




We apologize for our administration disorganization

We are sorry to inform you that your order details are lost during a huge system transition. We are arranging refund for those lost orders, including yours.
Your order total was: $21
Refund amount: $21
While we have already refunded your order, it may take about 7 business days for the transaction to be done.
We appreciate and value your patience and support very much, we understand it has been frustrating to wait for Znaps to be shipped. With your support, we have finally overcome most of the problems we have been experiencing.
Now, everything is ready, and we are about to ship the products to our pre-order customers.However, we disappointingly discovered that part of the order data were lost. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience created.
We wholeheartedly want to share our success with you. We will be grateful if you are willing to order Znaps again through znaps.net.
We are totally ready to ship our products, if you decide to reorder Znaps, your order will be given high priority, we promise.
As a token of appreciation, we would like to offer you 20% off all purchase before December 7, 2016 if you use this code 【XXXXXX】 when you checkout. Please, go to https://znaps.net/xxxxxxxx to reorder.



実はその件とは別に、例の”znaps-jp.net”を運営している”ANY’S INTERNATIONAL”さんへメールしてみましたf^^内容的には”ZNAPS(本体)”がこんな状況だけどホントの所はどうなの?と言った内容。しかしサイトに記載されたメアドへ送信した所、サバーエラーで戻ってきましたorz…え?えっ?え〜?こっちの会社も大丈夫?と言う感じ…なもんでFacebookページもあったのでそちらへ同じ内容を送信(11/26)!取り合えず返信を待っていますm(__)m


